Monday, December 17, 2018

What’s Love Got To Do With It?

The main two ideas that keeps us from saying that we love the things we do are desire and passion. In class we were talking about the differences of meals, a restaurant or homemade. The key to making all homemade meals taste wonderful is the amount of love and thought you put into it. As Dr. Preston was describing a past experience, it had so much meaning behind it. The gluten free carrot cake. He put so much effort the first time he did that cake in a special day, it turned out to be the best one yet from all the other times he has made one. Following the recipe is easy but the time you put in it makes a difference.
It makes sense why the world has obligations and standards. The world tells us to finish  school and get all these degrees to find a good job with a good salary. After that, you’re just stuck with money. Spending it and buying everything you ever wanted doesn’t make you anymore happier than you already were. There might be those few seconds of joy but that’s it. Money doesn’t buy happiness. 

Thursday, December 13, 2018

Calling My Shot

Not really that confident in having an essay as a final as long as I have a pre write then it’ll be fine.

Thursday, December 6, 2018

Montag's Visit

Montag visits Faber because he knows he is an English professor that reads and knew details about books. Montag wants to know how to comprehend on what he's reading, he wants to make a change within the society. Montag and Faber both plan to get the firemen arrested by planting books in their firehouses to end the burning of books.


Montag gets sick and he doesn't want to go to work. Montag knows the wrong he has done without thinking the real reason he does it. Montag is just thinking about his next step forward he should take. He wants to know what is right for him and why burning books is even a job in the first place. Applying a job that involves hurting people would make me feel guilty. Others would disagree as they'll feel "dominant." There are different jobs with different people that have different opinions, but that shouldn't stop you from being yourself. There are more important values than just a paycheck and they're just over looked. One important value is do what you love and you what you enjoy. Montag was only into being a firefighter because his grandfather and his father were both firemen. He just knew he had to be a firemen with no explanation needed. Another value would be having your own voice and a decision in what you have to change. Its important to speak up in the beginning when nothing drastically has happened and being too late when everything has occurred.

Failing to Plan is Planning to Fail

Montag and Faber both decide they will get books and plant them under the firehouses. This will then get the firemen arrested. As a result, the firemen won't be able to proceed with the burning of books. With doing this, Montag and Faber hope that they can bring books back to the society and change the way they think, act, and follow. This may lead to complications, such as figuring out where the books will be planted, how the firemen will react if they found out that Montag was behind it as well as an English professor. Although there are many firehouses, it would be almost impossible for Montag and Faber to set books under the firehouses.

My Semester Goal

My main goal in this semester is to get used to posting on my blog on a regular basis. During now and finals week, I want to learn about what more can I post on my blog. The grade that I'm always aiming at is an A, but with work and progress that I have, its looking more like a B. I'm satisfied unless I don't get anything under a C. To maintain at a B or higher, I want keep posting and being aware what assignments have to be done.

Wednesday, November 28, 2018


After reading, the things that stay to me is the action between the characters, either if its love, violence, breaking laws, or an emotionally state that the character was put in. Maybe it the fact that you can relate or have a general idea of how they're feeling. As well as imagining your own way of the setting where it being taken even adding the details that the author gives us. What doesn't stay with me are those descriptive details towards items or other people that aren't really main characters.

Monday, November 26, 2018

My Big Question/November

My Big Question is why cheat when you can talk to your partner and speech your truths. After a long time being together, shouldn't you be able to express your feelings and thoughts to one another? 


As a class, we left on when Mildred had woken from overdosing the night before. Montag was surprised that she acted normal as if nothing happened. Afterwards, he went to work where the firefighters were called in for duty. They had to do some cleaning and burned an entire house with books. The owner of the house decided to burn with the books and referenced to a quote by a man named Lamiter who told that to another guy when they were burned alive. After looking around the house, Montag took a book that he had read the first line of it. He went home to Mildred and out of curiosity, he asked her when they had met. Mildred didn't know the answer to that question as if it didn't matter. Montag was used to the routine that he had with Clarisse as they walked in the morning together was now gone. Few days later, Montag asked Mildred if she knew what had happened to her. Mildred said she was dead and her family had moved out. Montag was in shock and eventually got sick.

Friday, November 23, 2018

F451 Summary Part 1

In Fahrenheit 451, the main character, Guy Montag works as a firefighter in a dystopian society. As he works, his main job to to burn books and track down who has them. Montag loves to fire things as its been a part of his entire life. He was heading back home alone walking in the streets. His new neighbor, Clarisse, makes a move and talks to Montag. She tells him facts about the society they live in. She doesn't know anything about Montag but has an idea of what he might be living through. By the way that Montag stutters in answering the questions, she knows more about Montag. As he headed home, he was looking for his wife, Mildred, as she was seen on the floor overdosed by a bottle of sleeping pills. Montag calls immediate medical help to only find out that Mildred was going to be treated by two complete strangers. The cases was so often that anyone could do it. After they left, Montag stayed up thinking how long did all of what had happened to Montag actually happened? He noticed Clarisse's family. Her family would be considered "abnormal" since they all talk together instead of watching the television screen. The next day, Mildred seem like a new person from the new blood that was inserted from the operators. Montag noticed as she had made breakfast. Later in the evening, Montag and Clarisse were walking in the rain. She questioned Montag to try to get him but he was having a conflict within himself not knowing how to feel anymore.
Montag goes off to work with the other firefighters. He has his own reasons in why he thinks the Mechanical Hound doesn't like him. Montag thinks its because of his conscience that the Hound knows something. He had been talking to Clarisse everyday and he feels like he has known her for many years. He had a routine with Clarisse and splitting their ways afterwards. He woke up as usual and was waiting for Clarisse, but she hadn't appear for anywhere. They were called-in to a case of a woman whom house was full with books. Beatty, the leader of the firefighters, asks the woman to leave the house as they are going to burn it. She refuses and she gets hit by Beatty. Montag tries talking to her in leaving but doesn't want to go. Kerosene was poured on the floor and she had a kitchen match and lit the house. She died with the burning books. Montag is in disbelief and he thinks in why she did what she did.

F451 & ME

In Fahrenheit 451, Mildred always uses her "seashells" to find calm and relief. Today we use headphones or beats to hear music, talk on the phone, or even a way to block other communication. Mildred always uses her seashells so she is an expert on lip reading. Montag talks to her and she doesn't have to hear him. Today listening to music where no one else hears but you is soothing. Talking on the phone because there's a built in mic in where you can talk in. You don't carry your phone in your hand. Other people use headphones to block communicating with other people passing in the halls. It might not have music and it still has the same affect. People don't want to look dumb as they're trying to talk to a person that is listening to music and not get a response back.

Books are being burned in F451 and nobody seems to be bothered. Today we rely on technology for everything even research. Online research is faster and there isn’t a need of skimming through books. Since there isn't any books, no body knows about their own history, the mistakes that are being repeated. Today, we know everything and lies that aren't even true. People's attention is drawn with drama, rumors, and yet we believe in it. In the little things that don't matter, we pay all attention to it. The drastic events, such as natural disasters, crisis's, we don't pay much attention to what's happening. When it comes to technology, we want to get the newest and fastest.

Technology, itself is being used. In Fahrenheit 451, Mildred tells Montag to install another screen wall to their house. This way she is able to talk to her "friends." Today, we use a screen to communicate to other people. There is nothing wrong with that unless you overuse the power of it. To message, call, face-time people we use a device. Mildred talks to people that aren't even real and barely talks to her husband who usually is within her distance. As today, we can be hanging out with friends and still notice that there are phones being used. There are new people you can make "friends" with but you're losing interaction with a person that is right in front of you.

Wednesday, November 21, 2018

The Right To Read

The choice to read is ours, not somebody's else. Why take away the right to read? It's our responsibility to inform ourselves about the past and the present. Without the past, there's is no future ahead from us. Many will argue that teenagers don't read anymore since they're always on their phones. A person will pick up a book if they choose it. They have to be interested in reading the book if not they're just reading words that have no meaning. Since President Trump thinks its okay to outlaw reading, where would he get his information from? Social media, new reporters, random websites that contain nothing but lies. Its pretty safe to say, he doesn't have information himself besides Twitter. They only way of communicating he does is through Twitter and his speeches. Although he says he is going to do things, he really can't. His actions and his words are more like a dictator's. Luckily, we have the Legislative and Judicial Branch to save us. You wouldn't know either if you didn't read it out of a textbook. What happen to Hitler? We all learned this through a textbook or a biography. Its important to keeping reading from going to into extinction.

Thursday, November 15, 2018

20 Questions

1. The hearth is a fireplace and the salamander are what the firemen named their trucks by.
2. In the lines of page 1, the reader can make the assumption that Guy Montag is obsessed with fire. He likes watching things burn in ashes, where there’s nothing.
3. The imagery that is given to the fire hose has a negative imagery to the reader that the fire hose has a bad role in the plot. The author wants you to memorize the fire hose.
4. Montag's fire-helmet is the number 451 which symbols at the temperature in what books burn.
5. Clarisse McClellan is described as "slender and milk-white" with the look of curiosity.
6. Clarisse and Guy are both the main characters in the story.
7. She questions Montag with sudden questions and keeps going. Montag doesn't have time answer because he over thinks each question and doesn't have a conclusion.
8. People drive so fast that they recognize blurs as objects. Clarisse's uncle got arrested because he was only going at 40 miles an hours. Another thing is that billboards are stretched out in order of it to be read and long lasting. Clarisse's uncle was also arrested for being a pedestrian.
9. The comparisons that Montag makes of Clarisse are the clock and a mirror. The clock because she knew so much of the bad society and keeps moving along with it. The mirror because she reflect in what Montag seems to be but his inner self isn't. She made himself question by asking with he was happy. Montage didn't find that answer to himself either.
10. Montag realizes that he isn't happy as if he was wearing a mask.
11. The "Seashells" are earbuds. Mildred listening to the ocean which she hasn't been there in person.
12. The reference to her face seems as if she's paralyzed, controlled. In Mildred's face, there was no sign of hope just darkness, emptiness. She didn't care whether if she was breathing or not. Their marriage isn't happy and loving; its darkness.
13. There was two machines: one looking like a long pipe that goes down the throat and the another replaces the old blood with the new blood. The operator didn't seem to care as he smokes a cigarette in the middle of a medical process. The men weren't even doctors but they did have people calling in from overdosing on sleeping pills.
14. The comment what to the fact that stranger came to his house and took Mildred's blood out and he hadn't seen those men ever in his life.
15. In Clarisse's house there is more happiness and in Montag's there's depressing, sadness, loneliness. Clarisse's house was lit and the other houses were asleep in the darkness of their daily routines.
16. Montag wants to be happy to see that Clarisse is happy with her family and he isn't. He doesn't want to live those seconds. He takes a sleeping tablet in order for him to go to sleep.
17.  Mildred doesn't remember anything but she does say that she feels like she has a hangover of a wild party. When Montag explains to her that she has overdosed, she denied it and went on with her life.
18. The psychiatrist asks Clarisse what she does in her free time.
19. The Mechanical Hound was like a robotic dog. Montag was bothered by the Hound because it always seem to attack him, as if it were to have some sort of hatred towards him.
20. The woman had said a few lines in the beginning as they walked in. She made a reference to Latimer who was burned alive for the opinion he stood for. The woman would rather die than live in the society that doesn't contain books, knowledge.
21. The youth practices as going to school. They are tired by the end of the day that they either go to bed of have to bully other people at parks. They run street races and do what ever they want. Their  parents aren't strict as they were to Clarisse when she misbehaved. The killings from one another have go up. There could be tons of people and they'll just talk about the same thing over and over again.
22. The people are put into an asylum but the firemen think there's crazy for having books.
23. Benjamin Franklin built the union of firefighters in the US.
24. He compares the books to the white pigeons because the words of knowledge are pure.
25. He read a line from the book and took the book with him, hiding it. He just did it not thinking, out of curiosity.
26. Beatty knows about the burning of Lamiter and he did research himself.
27. She had been on her seashells listening to people from far away places.
28. The parlor walls were for Mildred for her to talk to her relatives. If everyone has parlor walls, then nobody gets together for a reunion anymore.
29. Mildred was so busy with herself that she forgot something important as Clarisse's death.
30. Mildred didn't seem to care about the death of the woman because she wasn't related to Mildred. That it was her fault in why she had died the way she died. Montag was angry because he hadn't though thoroughly about what he was doing for a living. He was being reasonable about how an author expressed his thoughts and feelings for it just to become history under a fire.

Friday, November 9, 2018


       It was like any October morning, chilly and lazy, full with chaos in the living room, kitchen full with food, and the bedroom lonely. My fatigued mother took care of annoying kids, yelling and running, while I accompanied my mother doing the laundry downstairs. The kids stayed with my father upstairs and he didn't mind because all the kids are scared of him, so they sat down on the untouched coach. My father had to go to work and dismissed us with a warm hug and kiss. 
"Stay here with the kids while I go put detergent on the clothes. I'll be back," said my mother as she grabbed the detergent bottle and left. 
I thought to myself, could i really take care of kids younger than me if i care barely take care of myself?
The kids all started running and yelling, again. I was getting bugged with them, so I left to the bedroom. I locked myself because I knew they were going after me. They started banging on the door loudly that I thought the door was going to fly off. I still didn't know how to do a lot of things that my average age would be able to do. 
One thing that I did know how to do very well was turn on the television. Although I could turn the television on, I didn't know how to turn the volume down. It was about that time of the year where only scary movies would show up on every channel.
Damn what luck i have, right? I was terrified of horror movies so my first instinct was to yell as loud as I can. The kids heard me and all ran to the door to see what was wrong. Ironically, they can't see through the door. They all went to call my mother, which she was talking with the chatty neighbor.
They tried to all explain, which they failed at, so they all end up pushing her towards the kitchen when she realizes that I'm screaming from the top of my lungs. 
"What's wrong?" She realizes the door is locked. By her knowledge, she knows I can't unlock the door. What a difficult task for a 4 year-old?!
"I can't open the door!" I started crying. My mother puts her ear on the door and hears screaming and asks, "who's with you? Who's yelling?"
The television was still on and I tried turning it off until I saw my worst nightmare, Chucky. I ran back to the door and started crying even more. "Chucky!"
My mother calls my father, knowing he was at work a few blocks away. He was excused and came to the house as fast as he could. 
"I could kick the door down!"
"Wait! She's right next the door crying!"
"Then what to we do now!"
"Call the firefighter and take her out from the window!"
"No! It can't be that difficult to do and besides... she's crying! Go for the screwdriver!"
My mother goes for the screwdriver and she's hears nothing but gasps of my crying and the noisy television. My father examines the doorknob and sees there's nails on the outer part of the door. He starts unscrewing the doorknob as my mother talks to me to calm me down. 
After 10 minutes of unscrewing the rusted nails, they slowing open the door just to see me laying on the brown, carpet floor. My mother turns off the television and holds me. She notices my red, puffy eyes.
"Gigi... Gigi..." No movement. 
Little did they know I had fallen asleep from all that crying. I woke up in relieve to see my mother and father. Lesson learned: don't avoid little annoying kids and lock yourself in the room.


Ray Bradbury wrote “The Pedestrian” because he shows how all televisions at 2053 would be turned on and how the streets were always empty after 8. He gets pulled over by a police man and gets questioned in why he’s walking the streets. He asks the questions and the police man doesn’t believe in what he’s being told. The fact that walking wasn’t “normal” in the society makes you in disbelief that it could actually happen. Mr. Mead seems cool when he gets pulled over because he knows he was telling the truth. Although the officer didn’t believe him, Mr. Mead didn’t deny it. The plot of the story was so realistic because of the details Bradbury inserted to make you feel present. He also describes the society we are growing to become. That makes the plot scary.

Thursday, November 1, 2018

In Thoreau's Words

 "Not until we are lost do we begin to understand ourselves."
Translation: the day you're alone, you'll know more at yourself. Describes you as a person.
When you lose yourself, you're likely to be alone. Although being alone might sound like a bad idea, it isn't. Its healthy for you and eventually others. You'll find your own personal traits, talents and as you interact with your friends, they'll notice a change within yourself. Its fine because you're loving yourself and others at the same time. Most people can't do that yet. Usually its because we're attached to something or someone. Most people, including myself, are always stuck of their phones. Why? Probably its that notification that goes off. Change that, listen to yourself, mentally and physically. 

"It's not what you look at that matters, it's what you see."
Translation: Looking at something/someone doesn't mean I'm focused in it. Describes you caring.
In a day, you look at so much that you don't even remember what you saw. But when something catches your eye, you take a long pause and look at it. You remember it clearly either if its for a few days, months, years. The value that it has, you'll remember it.

"Life isn't about finding yourself; it's about creating yourself. so live the life you imagined.
Translation: You can't find yourself, you make (decision/behavior) yourself. 
How are you going to find something that you know doesn't exist? You imagine it. You know the way you want to be looked at based on how you behave, talk, and your unique personalities. 

Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Emerson’s Essay

Emerson choose the title, “On Self-Reliance” because he knows what it’s like to be human and living in the society where people pressure you into not being yourself. Self-reliance means believing in yourself. Within you, you’re the only person who really knows what it’s like to be you. As Emerson does show his main ideas its possible that he lived through each and every one of them. Emerson’s tone in the essay is bold, not caring for what people have to say about his own work. He puts his work out in the world for people to read despite the arguments and the feedback. Emerson put the words in a way that a person would have been scared to read it. Although the text is back in the day, most of the writing is relatable in modern's society. Emerson uses long, complex words to describe modern day situations in which takes time in order to process the text. In the fifth paragraph, it states, "their [children, babes, and brutes] mind being whole, their eye is as yet unconquered, and when we look in their faces, we are disconcerted. Infancy conforms to nobody: all conform to it..." This context is understandable yet has a powerful meaning behind it. The person that controls the adults are usually the youth. As babies don't know a way to express themselves or their thoughts, so they start crying. Emerson knows that adults can't do anything about that besides try to understand what they want. As in society nobody can't put you down unless you let yourself. Emerson wrote, "what I must do, is all that concerns me, not what people think." This quote brought me a reminder of my mother because she does what she wants due to the fact that she isn't scared of being judged. She tells me, you be the one to control your fears, not others.

Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Today’s Emerson Reading

Conviction: belief, opinion
Envy: jealousy
Sentiment: attitude
The only person that know you better is yourself. You have talents within that you didn’t know until you try doing it. You do something or you don’t, easy as that big results will say a lot about you. We’re so stuck in what society wants and what is cool and leave behind what we want to express but can’t.

Monday, October 8, 2018

Vocabulary Definitions

meme: an image with a written text explaining a funny situation that becomes spread quickly
Virus: bad computer code that controls over the device
Viral: picture or video that spread quickly in social media
Blog: a website that is runner by a person or group and posts
Wiki: website that anyone can write in
URL: address in the Internet
Website: located in the internet
Www: World Wide Web
Internet: network use to control communications
2.0: makes sure what technology is better and updated
Open source: software in which the code is available and can be made better

Sunday, September 30, 2018

Real-Like Dream

       Studies show that the majority of people that dream have negative thoughts and emotions. In Young Goodman Brown by Nathaniel Hawthorne, the main character is struggles to process the good and the bad as they both intertwine together. As his wife, Faith gets somehow stuck into the situation in evil. Brown goes in to the dark woods to find a journey just to find a surprise. Brown doesn’t know what’s real and what’s not. In the poem, A Dream Within a Dream by Edgar Allan Poe, the main character is unconscious about life. As the narrator doesn’t know whether it’s a dream, the narrator can feel as if in real life. Both of the literature pieces have similarities and differences, writing techniques, and the way the authors uses the idea of dreaming.
      Within both literature pieces, Poe and Hawthorne both have similar parts to their writing piece. Both authors have written these two different yet similar pieces at the time. For both pieces, the person in each are both unconcisous about reality. As well as they both have symbols throughout the pieces. Although they do have same awareness, they don’t have the same purpose. Poe makes one of the stanzas take place at the ocean which makes you think of pure ness. As the author describes the ocean with madly behaviors you don’t think that way anymore. Hawthorne makes the setting be in the darkness of the woods where there was a ritual for the worship of the evil itself. 
     As of the story and the poem have differences in writing techniques, they have similarities that connect each other. For example, Hawthorne describes the forest as Young Goodman Brown is making his way to the journey ahead of himself. "He had taken a dreary road, darkened by all the gloomiest trees of the forest, which barely stood aside to let the narrow path creep through, and closed immediately behind." As Brown was heading into the forest, you could feel how he felt, it’s like getting goosebumps after being alone in the darkness. In the poem, Poe describes this person along the ocean holding grains of sand. "Of the surf-tormented shore/ And I hold within my hand/ Grains of the golden sand/. Poe illustrates the picture in the head to get a better understanding to the stanza. Another example of a technique would be diction. Hawthorne uses the word faith in two ways: Brown's wife and his belief in God. "... he looked back and saw the head of faith still peeping after him." This meaning is when he's talking about his belief. "And Faith, his wife was aptly named , thrust her pink ribbons on her cap, while she called to Goodman Brown." Poe uses descriptive words towards the ocean giving it life. "Of the surf-tormented shore" and "one from the pitiless wave" both gave the ocean behavior as if the ocean has a mind of its own. The two pieces of literature have same yet different ways in expressing in how the author uses the techniques.  
     Poe and Hawthorne uses dreaming as a way to make you have to think about if its real or not. Poe wrote the poem to send a message which is always being repeated, “is it a dream within a dream.” The narrator is confused but as he/she is at the beach, the narrator feels the sand between the fingers and thinks is it a dream. If you feel, you know that you’re awake and vivid otherwise not. Hawthorne  purposely confuses the audience with “the next morning, young Goodman Brown came slowly in the street of Salem village, staring around him like a bewildered man.” Goodman Brown didn’t know whether the people around him were trustworthy. So he lived his life not trusting anyone including his wife, Faith because of what he had seen. Poe and Hawthorne both use dreaming as a way to make people think. 
     Both Poe and Hawthorne use  literary techniques that have similarities and differences, and the authors’ ways of interpreting the idea of dreaming. Would you be happy knowing you had a real life dream? Would it affect you? 

Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Response to “Dream Within a Dream”

As in the poem it repeats the last phrase, “all that we see or seem/ but a dream within a dream?” What does it truly mean in this context? In the second stanza it describes how he uses sand as an example. He grabs it but at the same time it falls through his fingertips. He’s trying to save all the sand away from the ocean. The ocean being bothered by something.

Tuesday, September 18, 2018


I argue that Young Goodman Brown was awake as he somehow appreared back at the village, knowing he had seen the ceremony. My partner says that Brown was looking at the ceremony when he was brought to the village without him noticing. She says that Brown was dreaming because he had woken up at the village. As he was going to the journey, he was the first to go through the woods.  Also, the pink ribbons were a thought as he was thinking about Faith the whole time.  Yes, but there was items such as the pink ribbons in where they were placed in the beginning and the ending. As well as they showed up at the ceremony falling for the sky. When you dream you just remember the tiny bits of the most important parts. But as you’re awake you know what actually happened.

Sunday, September 16, 2018

Young Goodman Brown

    1. I think the author's purpose in writing this story was to show how someone can lose their own faith because other people believe in something else. For example, Brown's faith was towards God and the rest of the people was towards the devil.
    2. Faith's name fits her personality because her faith changes throughout the story from good to bad; God to devil. Brown had true faith with her in the beginning because he knew that she was pure within. At the end, Brown can't trust her anymore because of what he saw in the woods, the ceremony. Brown doesn't trust anyone which would make you crazy, technically being alone.
    3. Faith's pink ribbons might represent her personality throughout the story as her own faith changes, as in good to bad.
    4. What Brown was seeing was real because as he had opened his eyes, he had felt weird vibes with everyone including Faith. "A stern, a sad, a darkly meditative, a distrustful, if not a desperate man, did he become, from the night of that fearful dream." Brown still had feelings from that one night. If it was only a dream he wouldn't feel anything and get over it.
    5. I think the Old Man is the devil because as the devil, he can seem like your friend and wants to help you. "... second traveller was about fifty years old, apparently in the same rank of life as Goodman Brown... Still, they might have been taken for father and son." This means how the Old Man reminds Brown's of his father. The devil was once God's best friend.
    6. The staff represents a reference to the Bible as the Old Man told Brown that the staff would take him where he needs to go faster. As in the Bible, Eve was tempted by the serpent of eating the fruit. At the beginning, Brown was curious to go the journey through the forest and he did. I think the staff is the motive that messes with Brown's conscience and mind as it lends him into the ceremony.
    7. I believe that Brown's life would have been different if he wouldn't have went through the woods. As Faith was trying to warn him in the beginning of representing evil and feeling something wrong. I feel like the people already had believed in the devil but hadn't showed it to Brown because they knew he was a man of God. 

Sunday, September 9, 2018


        In this week's learning, we reviewed about colonial learning and as why the Americans wrote the history behind it. The author behind writing the history textbook sounds like the winner, the Americans. As the winner, the author doesn't want to have Americans look like the antagonists. As well as we learned about the tone of the story can describe what could had next and/or gives imagery to the story. Tone helps the reader understand and feel the story themselves.

Tuesday, September 4, 2018


The making of an essay is easy if you have the prompt (questions) down and know what you’re talking about. I knew what I was writing about since there was three questions. The three questions become the body paragraphs. The introduction is the first paragraph which gives more details about what you’re writing about next. The conclusion ends the essay and closes it by a powerful thought that could make you think or you’ll have parts of it memorized. I didn’t include the beginning and the end because I know what the main questions are and what I really need to respond.

Monday, September 3, 2018

ESSAY- Conscience of a Hacker

           The author wants the reader to understand both sides of where the teenager and the adult stands. The author makes the point of view as a kid. In response, the kid also says what an adult would say towards the situation. "I've listened to teachers explain for the fifteenth time how to reduce a fraction. I understand it. 'No, Ms., Smith, I didn't show my work. I did it in my head...'" shows how the kid feels as he knows the fast way to do the problem without doing any work on paper. As the teacher, she responded, "Damn kid. Probably copied it. They're all alike." Was it the right response to think because of being able to know how to do something? There is no wrong just because you know how to do something.
          The author uses repetition with mostly every situation given, "Damn kid. ... They're all alike." As of the kid at the end clarifies what that phrase truly means. "You may stop this individual, but you can't stop us all... after all, we're all alike." That phrase makes you think many things, but what's pictured is one kid out of hundreds being held behind bars and the others protesting and planning to rebel. Another way is how he uses informal language to catch the attention of the youth. "You bet your ass we're all alike..." The way that its being used is because the author is going to address something important next. "... we've been spoon-fed baby food at school when we hungered for steak..." It means that since we were born, we were already controlled.
          Parents think the same way towards their children. Parents say "Oh! They're just children, let them." Once that gets attached from where they were little, as they grow, they'll think its okay to do anything they want. Parents won't be able to control their own children and become rebels. Reminds me of the British government when they tried controlling the colonies once the colonies were already established. The British lost against them as the colonists were given their freedom but know the people had to be controlled again by a government. What was the point of fighting for freedom when you're going to be under the rule again? It's to be under controlled and people don't go chaotic. But as Will Durant said, "civilization begins with order, grows with liberty, and dies with chaos."


      Being an independent learner can sometimes be tricky if you don't know what you're doing. Being independently for me isn't really a thing that I consider doing. The working area must be quiet unless I'm playing my own music. This helps me keep focused since I tend to wonder off and space out. There are times where studying and learning gets boring so I take 30 minutes to a hour break, either eating or re-reading notes. I plan my times in which I'm learning and taking notes. Taking minimal notes can help me during lecture or questions that I have. Further research can be done if questions aren't answered. Notes is a great tool for independent learning. 

Wednesday, August 29, 2018

How I Learn

        How I organize my school stuff is by having a pencil pouch for my pens, a folder with plastic covers for every subject, and my notebooks. As well as carrying my tablet and its charger just in cause I'm running late to charge my tablet in the morning. If I have to charge it then I'll charge it during school hours.           
        Managing time for me is hard because I have practice, latest until 6. That gives me roughly 4 hours to do work and go to bed. I start by doing homework and eat in the meantime. Afterwards, I do my personal necessities I have to do such as showering, etc.
       Learning new information is easy unless I take notes and review. I work better with visual learning rather than audio. Taking notes while discussion helps me to remember key ideas. Being challenged by someone else helps me to remember things quickly as long as I'm having fun.

Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Earth On Turtle’s Back

This story has many small ideas within. One of the biggest is determination. As all the animals are trying to help the Woman to help her go to Earth. Yes, they all try but don’t push themselves to the point where they’re dying. Muskrat was the tiniest of all and yet manages to get the task done. Appearances make us think that the person isn’t able to do the task but it’s not the cause.

Friday, August 24, 2018

“Richard Cory”

In the beginning of the poem describes Richard Cory as being rich and wealthy. As people that know how to look and judge others without knowing who the real person is can have a big impact in their life. In order for you to get to know a person you must talk to them in order for them to get to know their feelings. As in the end, Richard Cory took his own life away in a decision that he made himself. Why? Is it true that money can’t buy happiness? It makes you think about what lead him to taking his life. He was quiet and polite in which makes you think if he every had people stick by his success. If he didn’t have anyone to talk to, then all the pressure and thoughts piled up within himself.

My Best Writing