Wednesday, November 21, 2018

The Right To Read

The choice to read is ours, not somebody's else. Why take away the right to read? It's our responsibility to inform ourselves about the past and the present. Without the past, there's is no future ahead from us. Many will argue that teenagers don't read anymore since they're always on their phones. A person will pick up a book if they choose it. They have to be interested in reading the book if not they're just reading words that have no meaning. Since President Trump thinks its okay to outlaw reading, where would he get his information from? Social media, new reporters, random websites that contain nothing but lies. Its pretty safe to say, he doesn't have information himself besides Twitter. They only way of communicating he does is through Twitter and his speeches. Although he says he is going to do things, he really can't. His actions and his words are more like a dictator's. Luckily, we have the Legislative and Judicial Branch to save us. You wouldn't know either if you didn't read it out of a textbook. What happen to Hitler? We all learned this through a textbook or a biography. Its important to keeping reading from going to into extinction.

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