Sunday, September 30, 2018

Real-Like Dream

       Studies show that the majority of people that dream have negative thoughts and emotions. In Young Goodman Brown by Nathaniel Hawthorne, the main character is struggles to process the good and the bad as they both intertwine together. As his wife, Faith gets somehow stuck into the situation in evil. Brown goes in to the dark woods to find a journey just to find a surprise. Brown doesn’t know what’s real and what’s not. In the poem, A Dream Within a Dream by Edgar Allan Poe, the main character is unconscious about life. As the narrator doesn’t know whether it’s a dream, the narrator can feel as if in real life. Both of the literature pieces have similarities and differences, writing techniques, and the way the authors uses the idea of dreaming.
      Within both literature pieces, Poe and Hawthorne both have similar parts to their writing piece. Both authors have written these two different yet similar pieces at the time. For both pieces, the person in each are both unconcisous about reality. As well as they both have symbols throughout the pieces. Although they do have same awareness, they don’t have the same purpose. Poe makes one of the stanzas take place at the ocean which makes you think of pure ness. As the author describes the ocean with madly behaviors you don’t think that way anymore. Hawthorne makes the setting be in the darkness of the woods where there was a ritual for the worship of the evil itself. 
     As of the story and the poem have differences in writing techniques, they have similarities that connect each other. For example, Hawthorne describes the forest as Young Goodman Brown is making his way to the journey ahead of himself. "He had taken a dreary road, darkened by all the gloomiest trees of the forest, which barely stood aside to let the narrow path creep through, and closed immediately behind." As Brown was heading into the forest, you could feel how he felt, it’s like getting goosebumps after being alone in the darkness. In the poem, Poe describes this person along the ocean holding grains of sand. "Of the surf-tormented shore/ And I hold within my hand/ Grains of the golden sand/. Poe illustrates the picture in the head to get a better understanding to the stanza. Another example of a technique would be diction. Hawthorne uses the word faith in two ways: Brown's wife and his belief in God. "... he looked back and saw the head of faith still peeping after him." This meaning is when he's talking about his belief. "And Faith, his wife was aptly named , thrust her pink ribbons on her cap, while she called to Goodman Brown." Poe uses descriptive words towards the ocean giving it life. "Of the surf-tormented shore" and "one from the pitiless wave" both gave the ocean behavior as if the ocean has a mind of its own. The two pieces of literature have same yet different ways in expressing in how the author uses the techniques.  
     Poe and Hawthorne uses dreaming as a way to make you have to think about if its real or not. Poe wrote the poem to send a message which is always being repeated, “is it a dream within a dream.” The narrator is confused but as he/she is at the beach, the narrator feels the sand between the fingers and thinks is it a dream. If you feel, you know that you’re awake and vivid otherwise not. Hawthorne  purposely confuses the audience with “the next morning, young Goodman Brown came slowly in the street of Salem village, staring around him like a bewildered man.” Goodman Brown didn’t know whether the people around him were trustworthy. So he lived his life not trusting anyone including his wife, Faith because of what he had seen. Poe and Hawthorne both use dreaming as a way to make people think. 
     Both Poe and Hawthorne use  literary techniques that have similarities and differences, and the authors’ ways of interpreting the idea of dreaming. Would you be happy knowing you had a real life dream? Would it affect you? 

Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Response to “Dream Within a Dream”

As in the poem it repeats the last phrase, “all that we see or seem/ but a dream within a dream?” What does it truly mean in this context? In the second stanza it describes how he uses sand as an example. He grabs it but at the same time it falls through his fingertips. He’s trying to save all the sand away from the ocean. The ocean being bothered by something.

Tuesday, September 18, 2018


I argue that Young Goodman Brown was awake as he somehow appreared back at the village, knowing he had seen the ceremony. My partner says that Brown was looking at the ceremony when he was brought to the village without him noticing. She says that Brown was dreaming because he had woken up at the village. As he was going to the journey, he was the first to go through the woods.  Also, the pink ribbons were a thought as he was thinking about Faith the whole time.  Yes, but there was items such as the pink ribbons in where they were placed in the beginning and the ending. As well as they showed up at the ceremony falling for the sky. When you dream you just remember the tiny bits of the most important parts. But as you’re awake you know what actually happened.

Sunday, September 16, 2018

Young Goodman Brown

    1. I think the author's purpose in writing this story was to show how someone can lose their own faith because other people believe in something else. For example, Brown's faith was towards God and the rest of the people was towards the devil.
    2. Faith's name fits her personality because her faith changes throughout the story from good to bad; God to devil. Brown had true faith with her in the beginning because he knew that she was pure within. At the end, Brown can't trust her anymore because of what he saw in the woods, the ceremony. Brown doesn't trust anyone which would make you crazy, technically being alone.
    3. Faith's pink ribbons might represent her personality throughout the story as her own faith changes, as in good to bad.
    4. What Brown was seeing was real because as he had opened his eyes, he had felt weird vibes with everyone including Faith. "A stern, a sad, a darkly meditative, a distrustful, if not a desperate man, did he become, from the night of that fearful dream." Brown still had feelings from that one night. If it was only a dream he wouldn't feel anything and get over it.
    5. I think the Old Man is the devil because as the devil, he can seem like your friend and wants to help you. "... second traveller was about fifty years old, apparently in the same rank of life as Goodman Brown... Still, they might have been taken for father and son." This means how the Old Man reminds Brown's of his father. The devil was once God's best friend.
    6. The staff represents a reference to the Bible as the Old Man told Brown that the staff would take him where he needs to go faster. As in the Bible, Eve was tempted by the serpent of eating the fruit. At the beginning, Brown was curious to go the journey through the forest and he did. I think the staff is the motive that messes with Brown's conscience and mind as it lends him into the ceremony.
    7. I believe that Brown's life would have been different if he wouldn't have went through the woods. As Faith was trying to warn him in the beginning of representing evil and feeling something wrong. I feel like the people already had believed in the devil but hadn't showed it to Brown because they knew he was a man of God. 

Sunday, September 9, 2018


        In this week's learning, we reviewed about colonial learning and as why the Americans wrote the history behind it. The author behind writing the history textbook sounds like the winner, the Americans. As the winner, the author doesn't want to have Americans look like the antagonists. As well as we learned about the tone of the story can describe what could had next and/or gives imagery to the story. Tone helps the reader understand and feel the story themselves.

Tuesday, September 4, 2018


The making of an essay is easy if you have the prompt (questions) down and know what you’re talking about. I knew what I was writing about since there was three questions. The three questions become the body paragraphs. The introduction is the first paragraph which gives more details about what you’re writing about next. The conclusion ends the essay and closes it by a powerful thought that could make you think or you’ll have parts of it memorized. I didn’t include the beginning and the end because I know what the main questions are and what I really need to respond.

Monday, September 3, 2018

ESSAY- Conscience of a Hacker

           The author wants the reader to understand both sides of where the teenager and the adult stands. The author makes the point of view as a kid. In response, the kid also says what an adult would say towards the situation. "I've listened to teachers explain for the fifteenth time how to reduce a fraction. I understand it. 'No, Ms., Smith, I didn't show my work. I did it in my head...'" shows how the kid feels as he knows the fast way to do the problem without doing any work on paper. As the teacher, she responded, "Damn kid. Probably copied it. They're all alike." Was it the right response to think because of being able to know how to do something? There is no wrong just because you know how to do something.
          The author uses repetition with mostly every situation given, "Damn kid. ... They're all alike." As of the kid at the end clarifies what that phrase truly means. "You may stop this individual, but you can't stop us all... after all, we're all alike." That phrase makes you think many things, but what's pictured is one kid out of hundreds being held behind bars and the others protesting and planning to rebel. Another way is how he uses informal language to catch the attention of the youth. "You bet your ass we're all alike..." The way that its being used is because the author is going to address something important next. "... we've been spoon-fed baby food at school when we hungered for steak..." It means that since we were born, we were already controlled.
          Parents think the same way towards their children. Parents say "Oh! They're just children, let them." Once that gets attached from where they were little, as they grow, they'll think its okay to do anything they want. Parents won't be able to control their own children and become rebels. Reminds me of the British government when they tried controlling the colonies once the colonies were already established. The British lost against them as the colonists were given their freedom but know the people had to be controlled again by a government. What was the point of fighting for freedom when you're going to be under the rule again? It's to be under controlled and people don't go chaotic. But as Will Durant said, "civilization begins with order, grows with liberty, and dies with chaos."


      Being an independent learner can sometimes be tricky if you don't know what you're doing. Being independently for me isn't really a thing that I consider doing. The working area must be quiet unless I'm playing my own music. This helps me keep focused since I tend to wonder off and space out. There are times where studying and learning gets boring so I take 30 minutes to a hour break, either eating or re-reading notes. I plan my times in which I'm learning and taking notes. Taking minimal notes can help me during lecture or questions that I have. Further research can be done if questions aren't answered. Notes is a great tool for independent learning. 

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