Monday, December 17, 2018

What’s Love Got To Do With It?

The main two ideas that keeps us from saying that we love the things we do are desire and passion. In class we were talking about the differences of meals, a restaurant or homemade. The key to making all homemade meals taste wonderful is the amount of love and thought you put into it. As Dr. Preston was describing a past experience, it had so much meaning behind it. The gluten free carrot cake. He put so much effort the first time he did that cake in a special day, it turned out to be the best one yet from all the other times he has made one. Following the recipe is easy but the time you put in it makes a difference.
It makes sense why the world has obligations and standards. The world tells us to finish  school and get all these degrees to find a good job with a good salary. After that, you’re just stuck with money. Spending it and buying everything you ever wanted doesn’t make you anymore happier than you already were. There might be those few seconds of joy but that’s it. Money doesn’t buy happiness. 

Thursday, December 13, 2018

Calling My Shot

Not really that confident in having an essay as a final as long as I have a pre write then it’ll be fine.

Thursday, December 6, 2018

Montag's Visit

Montag visits Faber because he knows he is an English professor that reads and knew details about books. Montag wants to know how to comprehend on what he's reading, he wants to make a change within the society. Montag and Faber both plan to get the firemen arrested by planting books in their firehouses to end the burning of books.


Montag gets sick and he doesn't want to go to work. Montag knows the wrong he has done without thinking the real reason he does it. Montag is just thinking about his next step forward he should take. He wants to know what is right for him and why burning books is even a job in the first place. Applying a job that involves hurting people would make me feel guilty. Others would disagree as they'll feel "dominant." There are different jobs with different people that have different opinions, but that shouldn't stop you from being yourself. There are more important values than just a paycheck and they're just over looked. One important value is do what you love and you what you enjoy. Montag was only into being a firefighter because his grandfather and his father were both firemen. He just knew he had to be a firemen with no explanation needed. Another value would be having your own voice and a decision in what you have to change. Its important to speak up in the beginning when nothing drastically has happened and being too late when everything has occurred.

Failing to Plan is Planning to Fail

Montag and Faber both decide they will get books and plant them under the firehouses. This will then get the firemen arrested. As a result, the firemen won't be able to proceed with the burning of books. With doing this, Montag and Faber hope that they can bring books back to the society and change the way they think, act, and follow. This may lead to complications, such as figuring out where the books will be planted, how the firemen will react if they found out that Montag was behind it as well as an English professor. Although there are many firehouses, it would be almost impossible for Montag and Faber to set books under the firehouses.

My Semester Goal

My main goal in this semester is to get used to posting on my blog on a regular basis. During now and finals week, I want to learn about what more can I post on my blog. The grade that I'm always aiming at is an A, but with work and progress that I have, its looking more like a B. I'm satisfied unless I don't get anything under a C. To maintain at a B or higher, I want keep posting and being aware what assignments have to be done.

My Best Writing