Thursday, May 9, 2019

My Best Writing

        I have a writer's conference coming up with Dr. Preston, and I am excited to go over What's Love Got To Do With It and Story of My Life. I chose these two pieces for specific reasons. The What's Love Got To Do With It is experience everyone can go through and has gone through. Its a feeling that all can relate to. Making something homemade or something that takes time with have a meaning behind it. That's the first reason why you're making it. The last day before we went of to winter break, everyone in the was suppose to share a dish among all of us. The dish had to have a meaning in why you chose it and if there was any background information that needed to be told. The dish I brought was a flan. When my mother didn't have enough  money to pay the rent, she would ask neighbors if they wanted to buy a dish from her. At times, she was told to make flans for a birthday party. I helped out in the making of the flan. I would get the ingredients, burn the sugar, and put the dish outside for it could cool faster. This is why the dish had meaning to me. The Story of My Life is another experience that happened to me that until this present day, I feel it so vivid. I wrote the piece with me being there and not me just saying the story. I had to add the expressions of the other people as my mother and father as if I were them. I wanted to give the different points of view in what they would think. From this experience, a fear was created. The fear of not being left alone with the door shut. I struggled for a while but I know later on, I would have to overcome this fear. 

Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Monkey See/Hear/Do

The modalities that would be most effect in teaching my Masterpiece are auditory and having visuals.  The auditory part of the presentation would be the predictions of what people have suggested the future might look like. Another part would be point of views that other people might think of what could happen. The visual part may be the pictures of future and some short clips.

Sunday, May 5, 2019


In the novel, Brave New World by Aldous Huxley, he writes a story in where a society has different standards and some people don’t fit in properly. One of the character named Benard  is an Alpha, being the highest caste of the society, doesn’t necessarily fit in. There are rumors that take place in which Benard was poisoned with alcohol and made him not meet the same look alike as the other Alphas. Besides from looking different, he feels as he doesn’t belong there. Benard has gone through some character 
changes throughout the book. 
      Benard has been different since the beginning but he changes when he slowly starts to figure out stuff. In chapter 3, Benard overheard a conversation that Henry foster and assistant were having about Lenina. They were talking about having sex with her as is she were an object. Benard was furious but doesn’t confort them. "’Talking about her as though she were a bit of meat.’ Bernard ground his teeth. ‘Have her here, have her there.’ Oh, Ford, Ford, Ford. He would have liked to go up to them and hit them in the face–hard, again and again.” Benard was frustrated that Henry and the assistant talk about her as a one night stand as well as not being able to be with her. As he is finally able to take her out on a date to go around, Lenina feels uncomfortable about going to talk and just looks at nature. Benard loves looking at nature even though the society is trained to fear nature. Lenina doesn’t like talking and looking at the view, she wants to have a physical interaction. "’I want to look at the sea in peace,’ he said. ’One can't even look with that beastly noise going on.’ ’But it's lovely. And I don't want to look.’’But I do,’" he insisted. ’It makes me feel as though …’ he hesitated, searching for words with which to express himself, ’as though I were more me, if you see what I mean. More on my own, not so completely a part of something else. Not just a cell in the social body. Doesn't it make you feel like that, Lenina?’ But Lenina was crying. ’It's horrible, it's horrible,’” Benard is different but still has a way in expressing himself by what he says. In expressing himself even more, he exposes his true identity. The truth about him being different can get him in trouble so he tries to pretends to fit in. Benard is invited to go to service and to go through a ceremony. They take in soma and begin chanting words. Benard isn’t fulfilled with service as the other people are. “She was full, she was made perfect, she was still more than merely herself. ‘Didn't you think it was wonderful?’ she insisted, looking into Bernard's face with those supernaturally shining eyes. ‘Yes, I thought it was wonderful,’ he lied and looked away; the sight of her transfigured face was at once an accusation and an ironical reminder of his own separateness.” Benard doesn’t like going to service because he doesn’t  see the purpose in going. Benard struggles in everyday life with being different for the others in which they make fun of him. This cases him pain and the society only gives happiness. Benard changes when he finds out that John gives him power to the people in the World State. They have to go through Benard in order to John. Benard becomes famous in John and John sees the society in which he lives in and judges them hardly. Since John lived in the Reservation, he sees things differently. Benard doesn’t like that John has a voice because it worries that it’ll make Benard look bad. Mustapha Mond had a conversation with Benard, John, and Helmholtz. “Bernard started and looked horrified. What would the Controller think? To be labelled as the friend of a man who said that he didn't like civilization–said it openly and, of all people, to the Controller–it was terrible. ‘But, John,’ he began. A look from Mustapha Mond reduced him to an abject silence.” Benard is scared of what the Master Controller might think of him. Benard being from nobody to somebody. 
      Benard throughout the book  changed but still has a part of his inner self that still follows him. “No social stability without individual stability,” says Huxley. 

Thursday, March 28, 2019

BNW Chapter 8 Ideas

Bernard ask John to explain his life on the Reversation and how he feels. Bernard knows the feeling of being treated differently than the others.
Linda sleep with other men on the Reservation and the culture of the Reservation is different from the   World State. Linda gets whipped by other women how found out about their affairs.
Popé brings Linda mescal.
John doesn’t like Popé because he always removed him from the picture of his mother. Popé would kick John out of the room and into another just for his pleasure.
The allusions of Shakespeare were from Hamlet when John compares them to Linda and Pope about doing the dirties.
John wasn’t loved by his mother and he didn’t have a father to grown up with. The kids would always treat him differently.
Bernard tells John if he wants to go with them to London.
John was happy that Bernard and Lenina weren’t married.

Monday, March 25, 2019

Good Morning

In today's lecture about morning routines I learned that mostly everyone uses their phones to wake themselves up, including me. They wake up to those classic alarms sounds and a few wake up to music. 
I'm going to start waking up to music and placing my phone across the room in order for I can wake up easily and not sleep in. I will try start making breakfast more often to myself and try new recipes.I need to stop pushing that snooze button that only tells me that its fine to sleep in some more. I need to stop having a crazy morning, rushing and trying to do things on time. I will continue to wake up at the same hour I'm used to unless there is something do to then will I wake up early.

Friday, March 22, 2019

Racism in BNW

The book Brave New World has castes and categorizes people into levels. The castes that are being told as the lower castes are the Epsilons and Deltas. The Alphas are the powerful ones in the World State. In the book it makes the characters seem as if they were the racists but who is actually writing the book? Huxley. But was Huxley the racist or was he just writing the book to prove a point? Huxley did point out the Indians living in the Reservations as Savages and the World State people are civil.

Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Reading Me

Reading for me would be consider as reading the directions from the labeling of products, reading titles in the new feed, captions from Instagram posts, as well as memes. But actually picking up a book or reading online is something I haven't done coming from my own will. If a friend with the same tastes were to tell me about a good book they read, I might consider reading it or even searching it up. When the book is something I like and understand the basic meaning of it then will I read the book. Trying to read something that I don't understand is just reading words that you have no clue to what you just read.

BNW Chapter 7 Notes

Friday, March 15, 2019

When The Cat's Away The Mice Go To Work

I finished reading Chapters 5 and 6. Yesterday, I began reading Chapter 5 in class and took notes. I got half way and read the rest at home. Afterwards I posted the notes that corresponded with the post. When I got to class today, I started reading Chapter 6. As well as yesterday, I only got more than half way into the Chapter. At home I finished the Chapter and posted its notes. We worked in our lit circles taking turns in reading two to three paragraphs each.
Reading in class was an advantage because you can ask the lit circle to see if they understand what the paragraph is talking about or if they have a different point of view to the paragraph than what you were thinking.
The book itself talks about many topics that can be seen in the near future or the present. Some of the things Benard says to Lenina are so obvious but she doesn't want to take time to sink it in and think some more.

BNW Chapter 6 Notes

Thursday, February 21, 2019

What’s So Great About Gatsby?

Gatsby in the eyes of the reader seems like a love able person and gives respect to other people by calling them “old sport.” His main goal in life is to get Daisy back and relive those five years that were lost.
Nick thinks he’s honest to himself because he hasn’t been freely opened to criticizing people around him. His father taught him not to do so. Nick is constantly hanging out with the wrong people because they’re the only people he knows.
 I don’t understand Daisy because she has many choices to choose from and someone else chooses her choices. If Daisy was an independent woman she would have gone away from both men but since  her choices

To be cont.

Monday, February 18, 2019

How You Know What I Know

   Knowing what you are reading, you have a visual image of your own creation. You take good notes while you read. You don't want to put the book down, you read until the problem is resolved or has stopped. You can relate to the parts of the book in which are being told and explained in a different perspective.

Have To Versus Want To

      When you agree to do homework, you know that you said yes into doing it, without being forced. When you fail to for the homework, you feel guilt and want to finish it, whether you tried or not. Being told to do your homework, can go either both ways, you do it or you don't. You care or you don't. But when you like doing something, you do it without thinking and you don't want to finish. That's the difference.

Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Great Gatsby Notes 2

What I learned in the book was how Daisy is a irresponsible mother of a 3 year old. Tom is a guy that thinks with money anything is possible.

Saturday, January 26, 2019


Hope Punk is the dream of having hope that tomorrow will be better. The society will be the most perfect of its time. In thinking that society has to be perfect nowadays, we’ll see an author perspective about the utopian world in which the writing lives in. Our society will see what standards we have put  out there.

Thursday, January 24, 2019

20th Century Writing Styles

Genre is the style of writing. The genre can be determined by literary techniques, the tone, and the what the writing contains.
Naturalism: nature and heredity controls human
Modernism: out of chaos came order
Realism: your choices

Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Down The Rabbit Hole

“timeless advice on falling in love”

The topic about love can be interpreted in many different ways: words, actions, and feelings. Steinbeck wrote a letter to his son because he knew that he was in love with this one girl. Steinbeck divides love into three main points. The first point was that its not bad to fall in love with someone, fight for the love of someone else. Second point was about the different types of loves there is; good or bad. The third point was Steinbeck giving the pat on the back about not being scared to lose a special one. If it wasn't meant to be, then it wasn't. 

Tuesday, January 22, 2019

The World Is My Library

Key Terms: short stories from high school
Short stories: The Girl Who Got Rattled by Stewart Edward White
The Invisible Girl by Mary Shelley
Key Terms: novels based on a true story
Novel: Stolen by Katariina Rosenblatt

In 8th grade, I remembered reading as a hobby because I actually enjoyed it. The teacher would help students find a book that they liked. After I started getting the hang of knowing would I liked reading I knew what genres to choose from. I realized that I would go for books that have a true story behind it. The author would make me feel as if I was the person who was feeling, going through the troubles.


Thursday, January 17, 2019

How To Get To Graceland

I like reading when I’m alone if I’m into the book itself. There’s times where I just want to keep going to the next page. When I'm reading a book that is more complex and has more details, I need help to sort out information. Sharing out is when you could collect ideas from others and compare or add to what you have.
Learning a new idea is difficult when being taught with a specific way to do the problem. Correcting is hard to do if you’re only seeing your own work that you did. You learn not to do the same mistake over and over again. When you don't correct you're stuck with the same outcome.
Paul Simon had a different way of thinking and showing how he feel by composing music. Not any type of music but the music in where he intertwined the culture of the African American. To live the culture and hear the music he took a trip to Africa and make music instead of trying to copy how it would sound. He was surrounded by "different people" as it was referred in the 1900s.

Wednesday, January 16, 2019

LA Times

The L.A. Teacher strike has caused students to skip to school. The result to this case is the lose of money within the district. Teachers are not getting payed as they went on the strike. The total amount of wage money is $10 million dollars.
There is a possibility that both the teachers and the superintendent can decide on an agreement. As the superintendent can hire more teachers and maintain smaller classes. With smaller classes learning is more possible. The teachers will end the strike and they will return back to their jobs.

My Best Writing