Wednesday, August 29, 2018

How I Learn

        How I organize my school stuff is by having a pencil pouch for my pens, a folder with plastic covers for every subject, and my notebooks. As well as carrying my tablet and its charger just in cause I'm running late to charge my tablet in the morning. If I have to charge it then I'll charge it during school hours.           
        Managing time for me is hard because I have practice, latest until 6. That gives me roughly 4 hours to do work and go to bed. I start by doing homework and eat in the meantime. Afterwards, I do my personal necessities I have to do such as showering, etc.
       Learning new information is easy unless I take notes and review. I work better with visual learning rather than audio. Taking notes while discussion helps me to remember key ideas. Being challenged by someone else helps me to remember things quickly as long as I'm having fun.

Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Earth On Turtle’s Back

This story has many small ideas within. One of the biggest is determination. As all the animals are trying to help the Woman to help her go to Earth. Yes, they all try but don’t push themselves to the point where they’re dying. Muskrat was the tiniest of all and yet manages to get the task done. Appearances make us think that the person isn’t able to do the task but it’s not the cause.

Friday, August 24, 2018

“Richard Cory”

In the beginning of the poem describes Richard Cory as being rich and wealthy. As people that know how to look and judge others without knowing who the real person is can have a big impact in their life. In order for you to get to know a person you must talk to them in order for them to get to know their feelings. As in the end, Richard Cory took his own life away in a decision that he made himself. Why? Is it true that money can’t buy happiness? It makes you think about what lead him to taking his life. He was quiet and polite in which makes you think if he every had people stick by his success. If he didn’t have anyone to talk to, then all the pressure and thoughts piled up within himself.

My Best Writing